Just Do It in July

In honour of my best friend:
  1. blog every day for a month (join NaBloPoMo)
  2. finish this list & post it in one sitting
  3. organize 1 drawer of my file cabinet
  4. clean out & organize 1 kitchen drawer + all of the lower cupboards & all but 2 of the drawers!
  5. clean out & organize short bedroom dresser
  6. clear out 1 box of books
  7. clear out 1 bag of my clothes
  8. write a note to her parents
  9. write a note to my mom
  10. write 3 more letters
  11. make a skirt using the fabric i bought several years ago
  12. teach Tia how to knit
  13. finish reading one of the books i have started
  14. choose a poetry book from the shelf and read 1 poem each day
  15. make menu plans at least 2 weeks out of 4
  16. fix veggies w/supper 3 nights a week
  17. prepare 2 new recipes
  18. make pancakes once a week
  19. eat 3 salads a week
  20. have at least 3 dates with my husband
  21. have at least 1 artist date
  22. buy a gift for L's wedding
  23. take the kids to the pool at least 2 mornings a week
  24. walk for 12 hours
  25. root & plant the ivy from A's wedding
  26. start doing Latin with the kids again 2 mornings a week (beginning 11 July)
  27. have lunch or coffee with H
  28. figure out what we need to do for dual credit courses for I & F
  29. start building back up savings as much as possible; keep track!
  30. RSVP to September wedding
  31. finish clearing off kitchen table
  32. use my foot spa
  33. Doorpost mailing
  34. write something for her

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