Just about 11 years ago I had four little girls ages 6, 5, 3, and 1. Daddy had been working full-time and going to school full-time, so I was home alone with the girls all day and half the night; we loved our time all together, but I wanted to have some special individual time with each of them.
So we created Person-of-the-Day. During our quiet time every afternoon while the toddler napped one of the older girls got to stay up with me for the first 20 minutes or so for a cup of tea, a little treat, and my undivided attention to talk about whatever they wanted to, read a special book, color, or perhaps do a simple craft together. TeaTime has become a family tradition that each child has begun at age 3. God has blessed us with seven children, so each child gets a different day of the week. Along with TeaTime the P.O.D. gets to be my special helper around the house.
We also have a Person-of-the-Week. The P.O.W. gets to go with my husband or me when we run errands and has a study date with Daddy at some point during their week. I also try to have a Special TeaTime with that person ~ something outside of the house of their choosing ~ a trip to a local coffee shop or bakery or the park or even a fast food joint with a playplace or an Art Gallery or everyone's favourite bookstore.
And, yes, even my two sons love having TeaTime; although we have had less conversation and more bear hunts on their days!
I wrote this post for the Simply Lovely One on One Fair.
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