19 August 2011



Sunday night my husband gave me a new (to me) NOOK.

Last Thursday my friend had a new baby girl.

In 10 days we will begin a new year of History Quest.

Why is new so exciting?  It seems I am always starting a-new; mostly because I so rarely finish from the last fresh start.  God's mercies are new every morning.  In fact, His mercies are new every moment.  His loving kindness is always fresh; it never gets old or mundane, and I am so very grateful.



Adrienne said...

"new every moment" ~ so grateful! And a new nook! How lovely is that!

Dawn said...

Stopping by from 5 Minute Friday. New is exciting and I'm so thankful for God's mercy and grace; new every day.

Kasi said...

Oh I love my Nook...Hope you love yours just as much! :)

Adrienne said...

...me again! Wanted you to know I shared about you on my blog today ~ passed on an award that was sent my way over the weekend. I have truly enjoyed visiting with you, and want everyone to know how special I think your blog is!