01 July 2011

Just DOing it & NaBloPoMo

My best friend, who died a couple of weeks ago, and I were both interested in Myers-Briggs personality typing, and we are both INTPs, which means that getting things done is a struggle.  She was forever encouraging me to embrace the process and practice just DOing it.  We were also both summer babies; my birthday being at the end of June and hers at the beginning of August.  There are 34 days in between, so in honour of her, I am making a list of 34 things to accomplish before her birthday on August the first.  I have created a separate page on which to make and keep track of my list here, but the first thing on it is to blog every day in July.  To that end, I have signed up with National Blog Posting Month.

I have now blogged my first daily post!


Adrienne said...

I could use a list like this! I'll comment on your daily blog posts...that'll be on my list :-)

Laura O in AK said...

Welcome to NaBloPoMo and thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following yours now and look forward to reading more.

I've been blogging on a daily basis for a year now, with the occasional slip here and there. It's hard to get going at first, but now I can't imagine NOT blogging each day.

Laura O in Ak